Delegated Signature Authority

General Notice: Only the individuals listed on this website are duly authorized signatories with authority to bind the University to agreements for the purchase of goods and services. Additionally, only such individuals have authority to accept electronic (e.g. click-through) agreements on behalf of the University. Contracts, including electronic agreements, signed and/or accepted by other employees or agents of the University shall not be binding on the University.

All documents/contracts must be processed in accordance with University Procedures, including legal review by the Office of the General Counsel, as applicable. Also, the authority outlined is subject to applicable provisions of law, policies, and regulations of the Florida International University Board of Trustees, and is for implementation of approved programs of the University.

Sub-delegations that are authorized under this Chart are subject to the condition that the delegator institutes appropriate measures of control over the exercise of this power and provided the sub-delegations are recorded with the General Counsel’s Office.

Academic & Student Affairs

Name Scope of Authority
Elizabeth Bejar
Provost, Executive Vice President and
Chief Operating Officer
Office of the Provost

Approve and execute all agreements, and contracts for the procurement of goods and services, with a value not to exceed $1,000,000 and to sign all documents related thereto for the benefit of the Office of the Provost. This authority does not include any category of contracts specifically assigned to another senior vice president.
Robert Grillo
Vice President
Division of IT
Approve and execute all contracts for the procurement of goods and services with a value not to exceed $250,000, and to sign all documents related thereto, for the benefit of the Division of Information Technology.
Bridgette Cram
Vice President
Student Success Operation and Integrated Planning
Academic Affairs
Approve and execute all academic agreements and contracts for the procurement of goods and services with a value not to exceed $250,000, and to sign all documents related thereto, for the benefit of the Office of the Provost.
Charles Andrews
Vice President
Student Affairs
Approve and execute all contracts for the procurement of goods and service with a value not to exceed $250,000, and to sign all documents related thereto, for the benefit of the Division of Academic & Student Affairs.
Approve and execute all documents for FIU pertaining to the Department of Defense Voluntary Education Partnership Memorandum of Understanding.
Barbara Manzano
Associate Provost
Office of the Provost
Approve and execute the following agreements with a value not to exceed $100,000 on behalf of the Office of the Provost: • Procurement of goods and services • Premises Use Agreements, Letters of Agreement, Performance Agreements, Loan Agreements for Works of Art, Preparatory Course Agreements, gift receipts for collection items donated, Museum Premises Use Agreement and Consignment Agreement; • Agreements for Academic Programs including Memoranda of Understanding and Memoranda of Agreement.
Nancy Kirkpatrick
University Libraries
Approve and execute all contracts for the procurement of library specific resources, including electronic journals, with a value not to exceed $75,000, for the benefit of the University Libraries.
Susan B. Gladstone
Jewish Museum of Florida - FIU
Approve and execute the following agreements on behalf of the Jewish Museum of Florida - FIU:

  • Loan and Exhibit agreements for collection items and exhibits to/from other institutions
  • Gift receipts for collection items donated, pursuant to properly authorized gift agreements
  • Jewish Museum of Florida - FIU premises use agreements (irrespective of the revenue value of the agreement)
  • Consignment agreements
Joseph Paulick
Approve and execute all Housing Agreements, Conference Agreements, Premises Use Agreements, and all Housing related legal documents on behalf of the Vice President for Student Affairs.
Miriam Machado
Interim Director
Frost Art Museum
Approve and execute the following agreements on behalf of the Frost Art Museum: • Loan and Exhibit agreements for collection items and exhibits to/from other institutions • Gift receipts for collection items donated, pursuant to properly authorized gift agreements • Frost Art Museum premises use agreements (irrespective of the revenue value of the agreement) • Consignment agreements
Casey Steadman
The Wolfsonian
Approve and execute the following agreements on behalf of The Wolfsonian:

  • Loan and Exhibit agreements for collection items and exhibits to/from other institutions,
  • Gift receipts for collection items donated, pursuant to properly authorized gift agreements
  • Wolfsonian premises use agreements (irrespective of the revenue value of the agreement)
  • Rights, royalty, and licensing agreements for materials relating to exhibitions and programs, and
  • Consignment agreements.
Lucy Adames
Director, Administrative Services
Division of IT
Approve and execute the following agreements on behalf of The Wolfsonian:

  • Loan and Exhibit agreements for collection items and exhibits to/from other institutions,
  • Gift receipts for collection items donated, pursuant to properly authorized gift agreements
  • Wolfsonian premises use agreements (irrespective of the revenue value of the agreement)
  • Rights, royalty, and licensing agreements for materials relating to exhibitions and programs, and
  • Consignment agreements.
Dana Baker
Assistant Director Administrative Services
Kovens Conference Center
Approve and execute all premises use agreements with a value not to exceed $75,000, and to sign all documents related thereto, for the benefit of the Kovens Conference Center.


Kenneth Hall
Senior Vice President
University Advancement
Approve and execute all contracts for the procurement of goods and services with a value not to exceed the amount set forth above, and to sign all documents related thereto, for the benefit of University Advancement.


Name Scope of Authority
Scott Carr
Athletic Director
$500,000 - Authority to approve and execute athletic employment contracts
$100,000 - Authority to approve and execute athletic contracts and contracts for the procurement of goods and services, and to sign all documents related thereto, for the benefit of the Athletic Department

Heath Glick
Senior Associate Athletic Director and
Chief Operating Officer
$100,000 - Authority to approve and execute athletic game competition contracts (and all documents related thereto), with the exception of contracts for the football program which will continue to be signed by the Athletic Director and to sign all documents related to the Athletics Finance Corp. ex. invoices to be paid for stadium
$50,000 - Authority to approve and execute any athletic contracts
$25,000 - Facility base rentals fees
Julie Berg
Sr. Associate Athletic Director
Approve and execute all athletic contracts, and contracts for the procurement of goods and services with a value not to exceed $25,000, and to sign all documents related thereto, for the benefit of the Athletic Department
Dave Scott
Assistant Athletic Director
Authority to approve and execute all athletic Referee Service Agreements up to $3,000

Finance & Administration

Name Scope of Authority
Aime Martinez
CFO and Senior Vice President
Finance & Administration
Approve and execute all contracts related to the duties of the Chief Financial Officer and Vice President for the Office of Finance & Administration not to exceed $1,000,000. This authority does not include any category of contracts specifically assigned to another senior vice president.
El pagnier Hudson
Senior Vice President
Division of Human Resources
Approve and execute all contracts for the procurement of goods and services with a value not to exceed $500,000, and to sign all documents related thereto, for the benefit of the Division of Human Resources.
John Cal
Associate Vice President
Facilities Management
Approve and execute all construction, renovation, utilities, maintenance and service contracts not to exceed $100,000, and to sign all documents related thereto, including, without limitation, permit applications, for the benefit of the Office of Facilities Management.
Crystal Herrera
Interim Director
Procurement Services
Approve and execute all contracts and POs for the procurement of goods and services with a value not to exceed $500,000, and to sign all documents related thereto. Approve and execute all POs that have a fully executed contract with an authorized signature.
Elsa Alfonso,
Agatha Bober,
Cheryl Cobb,
Yakov Zade

Procurement Agent III
Procurement Services
$149,999.99 - Approve all POs for the procurement of goods and services.
$500,000 - Approve all POs that have a fully executed contract with an authorized signature. This authority shall be exercised only in the absence of Crystal Herrera.
POs must be processed in accordance with University regulations procedures.
Donald D. Corbitt,
Perla Gonzalez,
Pamela L. Johnson,
Tere Portuondo

Procurement Agent II
Procurement Services
Approve all POs for the procurement of goods and services with a value not to exceed $149,999.99. POs must be processed in accordance with University regulations procedures.

General Counsel

Name Scope of Authority
Carlos B. Castillo
General Counsel
Office of the General Counsel
Approve and execute all contracts for the procurement of goods and services, including private attorney services contracts, with a value not to exceed $250,000, and to sign all documents related thereto, for the benefit of the Office of the General Counsel.

Health Affairs

Name Scope of Authority
Juan C. Cendan
Senior Vice President
Health Affairs
Approve and execute the following with a value not to exceed the amount set forth above for the benefit of the Academic Health Center:

  • Managed Care/HMO contracts
  • Medicare/Medicaid contracts and regulatory forms
  • Attestation forms
  • Education Affiliation Agreements
  • Affiliation Agreements
  • All other contracts related to the Academic Health Center and the FIU Health Care Network.

Office of the President

Name Scope of Authority
Javier Marques
Vice President
Operations & Safety and Chief of Staff
Office of the President
Approve and execute all contracts for the procurement of goods and services with a value not to exceed $500,000, and to sign all documents related thereto, for the benefit of the Office of the President, University Police Department, Environmental Health & Safety, Emergency Management, and Parking & Transportation.
Tamece Knowles
Environmental Health & Safety
Execute environmental permit applications and permits necessary for approved University operations and construction projects.
Sign reports and other documents required by environmental and/or safety regulatory authorities.


Name Scope of Authority
Andres Gil
Senior Vice President
Execute all documents related to proposals for research and training contracts, as well as research and training contracts, sub-awards relative to research and training contracts, which include subcontracts and consulting agreements, to solicit and accept research and training grants and donations, and to fix and collect fees, other payments and donations that may accrue by reason thereof when the funds that are sough or obligated by such contracts or other documents derive solely from sources external to the university and/or where such contracts and other documents obligate university resources in an amount no greater than $500,000.
Luis Salas
Associate Vice President Research
Director CAJ
Authority on behalf of the University and the FIU Research Foundation, Inc.
Authority to negotiate, enter into and execute all documents related to proposals for research and training contracts, as well as research and training contracts, sub-awards relative to research and training contracts, which include subcontracts and consulting agreements, to solicit and accept research and training grants and donations, and to fix and collect fees, other payments, and donations that may accrue by reason thereof when the funds that are sought or obligated by such contracts or other documents derive solely from sources external to the University/FIU Research Foundation, Inc. and/or where such contracts and other documents obligate University/FIU Research Foundation, Inc. resources in an amount no greater than $500,000.

Without limiting the generality of the above but subject to the limitations set forth above, this subdelegation extends to executing contracts and other documents relative to the following international water projects funded by the United States Agency for International Aid (USAID):

  • Integrated Natural Resource Management in Watersheds of Georgia (INRMW) Program in the Republic of Georgia;
  • The Tanzania Integrated Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (iWASH) Program;
  • West African Water, Sanitation Hygiene Program (WA-WASH) Program;
  • Rwanda Integrated Water Security Program (RIWSP) Program.
Tonja Moore
Associate Vice President
Authority on behalf of the University and the FIU Research Foundation, Inc.
Authority to negotiate, enter into and execute all documents related to proposals for research and training contracts, as well as research and training contracts, sub-awards relative to research and training contracts, which include subcontracts and consulting agreements, to solicit and accept research and training grants and donations, and to fix and collect fees, other payments, and donations that may accrue by reason thereof when the funds that are sought or obligated by such contracts or other documents derive solely from sources external to the University/FIU Research Foundation, Inc. and/or where such contracts and other documents obligate University/FIU Research Foundation, Inc. resources in an amount no greater than $500,000.
Robert Gutierrez
Associate Vice President
Authority on behalf of the University and the FIU Research Foundation, Inc.
Authority to negotiate, enter into and execute all documents related to proposals for research and training contracts, as well as research and training contracts, sub-awards relative to research and training contracts, which include subcontracts and consulting agreements, to solicit and accept research and training grants and donations, and to fix and collect fees, other payments, and donations that may accrue by reason thereof when the funds that are sought or obligated by such contracts or other documents derive solely from sources external to the University/FIU Research Foundation, Inc. and/or where such contracts and other documents obligate University/FIU Research Foundation, Inc. resources in an amount no greater than $500,000.
Emily Gresham
Assistant Vice President
Execute premises use agreements up to the dollar limit set forth above for the StartUP FIU FOOD program for the use of FIU space by private entities in furtherance of the goals of StartUP FIU.
Christopher Grayson
Director, Research Integrity
Enter and execute all Institutional Review Board Authorization Agreements and Individual Investigator Agreements related to research protocols involving human subjects, which are not supported by the US Department of Health and Human Services.
Pedro P. Hernández
Director, Technology Management & Commercialization
Negotiate, enter into, and execute all non-disclosure agreements, royalty sharing agreements, license agreements, option agreements, inter-institutional agreements, and other agreements relating to intellectual property resulting from research conducted by FIU personnel and/or students in an amount no greater than $200,000.
Regnier A. Jurado
Director, Program Administration
Execute all documents (i) related to proposals for research and training contracts, research and training contracts, sub-awards relative to research and training contracts, which include subcontracts and consulting agreements, (ii) to solicit and accept research and training grants and donations, and (iii) to fix and collect fees, other payments and donations that may accrue by reason thereof. Authorization to execute any of the foregoing is granted only when the funds that are sought or obligated by such contracts or other documents derive solely from sources external to the university and/or where such contracts and other documents obligate university resources not to exceed the amount set forth above.
Ludmilla Champagne
Director, Proposal Services
Execute all documents (i) related to proposals for research and training contracts, research and training contracts, sub-awards relative to research and training contracts, which include subcontracts and consulting agreements, (ii) to solicit and accept research and training grants and donations, and (iii) to fix and collect fees, other payments and donations that may accrue by reason thereof. Authorization to execute any of the foregoing is granted only when the funds that are sought or obligated by such contracts or other documents derive solely from sources external to the university and/or where such contracts and other documents obligate university resources not to exceed the amount set forth above.
Donna R. Kiley
Director, Post-Award for Research
Execute all documents (i) related to proposals for research and training contracts, research and training contracts, sub-awards relative to research and training contracts, which include subcontracts and consulting agreements, (ii) to solicit and accept research and training grants and donations, and (iii) to fix and collect fees, other payments and donations that may accrue by reason thereof. Authorization to execute any of the foregoing is granted only when the funds that are sought or obligated by such contracts or other documents derive solely from sources external to the university and/or where such contracts and other documents obligate university resources not to exceed the amount set forth above.
Ana Maria Villafana
Associate Director, Award Services
Execute all documents (i) related to proposals for research and training contracts, research and training contracts, sub-awards relative to research and training contracts, which include subcontracts and consulting agreements, (ii) to solicit and accept research and training grants and donations, and (iii) to fix and collect fees, other payments and donations that may accrue by reason thereof. Authorization to execute any of the foregoing is granted only when the funds that are sought or obligated by such contracts or other documents derive solely from sources external to the university and/or where such contracts and other documents obligate university resources not to exceed the amount set forth above.
Deepika Paryani
Research Contract Administrator IV,
Award Services
Execute all documents (i) related to proposals for research and training contracts, research and training contracts, sub-awards relative to research and training contracts, which include subcontracts and consulting agreements, (ii) to solicit and accept research and training grants and donations, and (iii) to fix and collect fees, other payments and donations that may accrue by reason thereof. Authorization to execute any of the foregoing is granted only when the funds that are sought or obligated by such contracts or other documents derive solely from sources external to the university and/or where such contracts and other documents obligate university resources not to exceed the amount set forth above.
Reyna Hernandez
Research Proposal Administrator IV,
Proposal Services
Execute all documents (i) related to proposals for research and training contracts, research and training contracts, sub-awards relative to research and training contracts, which include subcontracts and consulting agreements, (ii) to solicit and accept research and training grants and donations, and (iii) to fix and collect fees, other payments and donations that may accrue by reason thereof. Authorization to execute any of the foregoing is granted only when the funds that are sought or obligated by such contracts or other documents derive solely from sources external to the university and/or where such contracts and other documents obligate university resources not to exceed the amount set forth above.
David Rice
Professional Accountant 2
Certify invoices related to FIU sponsored projects.
Susie Escorcia
Vickie Soto
Assistant Director Post-Award
Certify invoices related to FIU sponsored projects.
Diana Alfonso
Jorge Yi
Post-Award Coordinator III
Certify invoices related to FIU sponsored projects.
Monica Rodrigo
Lucila Pineda
Estella Vera
Lissvette Vergara
Post-Award Coordinator II
Certify invoices related to FIU sponsored projects.

South Beach Wine & Food Festival, BrewFest and Brew Miami

Name Scope of Authority
David Snider
Assistant Vice President
Auxiliary & Enterprise Development
Office of Finance & Administration
South Beach Wine & Food Festival
Approve and execute the following documents with a value not to exceed $450,000, and to sign all documents related thereto, on behalf of FIU as follows: For the South Beach Wine & Food Festival- all sponsorship contracts, for the procurement or goods, services, hotel, venue and liquor licenses.

Approve and execute the following documents with a value not to exceed $450,000, and to sign all documents related thereto, on behalf of FIU as follows: For the Chaplin School of Hospitality & Tourism Management, all contracts and liquor licenses that relate to BrewFest.
This authority shall be exercised in the absence of C.Jardim.

Brew Miami
Approve and execute the following documents with a value not to exceed $250,000, and to sign all documents related thereto, on behalf of FIU as follows: For the Graham Center, all contracts and liquor licenses that relate to Brew Miami.
Christina Jardim
Enterprise Development
Office of Finance & Administration
South Beach Wine & Food Festival
Approve and execute the following documents with a value not to exceed $450,000, and to sign all documents related thereto, on behalf of FIU as follows: For the South Beach Wine & Food Festival- all sponsorship contracts, for the procurement or goods, services, hotel, venue and liquor licenses.
This authority shall be exercised in the absence of D.Snider.

Brew Miami
Approve and execute the following documents with a value not to exceed $250,000, and to sign all documents related thereto, on behalf of FIU as follows: For the Graham Center, all contracts and liquor licenses that relate to Brew Miami.
This authority shall be exercised in the absence of D.Snider.

Strategic Communications, Government and External Affairs

Name Scope of Authority
Michelle Palacio
Senior Vice President
Strategic Communications,
Government and External Affairs

Approve and execute all contracts for the procurement of goods and services with a value not to exceed the amount set forth above, and to sign all documents related thereto, for the benefit of the Division of Strategic Communications, Government and External Affairs.