About Us

About the Office

The attorneys in the Office of the General Counsel (OGC) have expertise in the many areas of law impacting higher education in Florida, including constitutional law, academic freedom, privacy law, employment law, civil rights laws, including Title IX, public records laws, open meetings laws, research compliance, health laws, procurement laws and intellectual property laws.

Requests for legal advice from University employees working on behalf of the University should be addressed to one of the attorneys in our office, or a request for advice can be sent via email to generalcounsel@fiu.edu or through interoffice mail to PC 511.

We also invite you to visit the website of the University’s Office of Compliance & Integrity. This office is available to assist you with ethics inquiries and inquiries about University policies and procedures and also provides a variety of education and training offerings to the University community.

The University’s Office of Compliance & Integrity administers the Ethical Panther Reporting Line, an anonymous and confidential reporting tool where University faculty, staff and students can report misconduct in the workplace or classroom setting due to mismanagement of funds, fraud, abuse or other violations of law or University policy.